2018 TCA Reports were Submitted to the Parliament

The President of the TCA, Seyit Ahmet BAŞ, visited the Speaker of the Parliament, Mustafa ŞENTOP on 10.09.2019 in his office and gave information on the 2018 TCA audits and submitted the 2018 TCA reports to the Parliament.

 President BAŞ submitted to the Parliament the 2018 General Conformity Statement, External Audit General Evaluation Report, which was prepared after 2018 audits, Activity General Evaluation Report, Financial Statistics Evaluation Report and 189 TCA audit reports regarding the public administrations.

During the visit, President BAŞ was accompanied with the President of the SAI of Moldova and EUROSAI Governing Board Member, Marian LUPU, as well as Moldova’s Ambassador to Ankara, Igor BOLBOCEANU.