Vision & Mission


To conduct audits and trials and provide guidance with the aim of contributing to accountability and financial transparency in public.


The vision of the TCA is to continuously improve and develop itself with the experience gained from its rooted past and to serve for a better public administration.

Fundamental Values


Independence and Impartiality


Institutional and functional independence is a prerequisite for the existence and service impartiality of the TCA as a judicially authorized SAI. Conducting audits in an unbiased and impartial manner and complying with the rules of professional ethics are indispensable elements of institutional reliability. Therefore, Article 3 of the TCA Law guarantees this fundamental value.

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Good Governance


One of our fundamental principles is to observe and implement good governance principles such as accountability, transparency, efficiency, participation, equality, fairness, consistency, rule of law, and science. As a SAI, the TCA also carries out the necessary work to ensure the implementation of these principles of good governance in public entities.  

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Sensitivity to Expectations


It is very important to be sensitive to the expectations and needs of the Parliament, the public, and other internal and external stakeholders, and to generate solutions within a common understanding aiming for a better public administration. Receiving stakeholder expectations, reflecting them in relevant activities and studies, and adopting a sensitive approach in corporate planning studies are among the priorities of the TCA.




In order to provide guidance for the improvement of the public financial management system, it is important to cooperate with stakeholders. The TCA attaches importance to cooperation activities in order to support development and change, to follow the requirements of the age, and to ensure that these are reflected in practice, and adopts this approach in all its activities.

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Openness to Innovation


Today, the rapid development in every field and the resulting problems require public entities to find timely and effective solutions. Openness to innovations requires continuous monitoring and proactive behaviour towards current developments. For this reason, it is a priority for the TCA to monitor innovations with an understanding of continuous development, to implement the needed ones, and to follow the implementation.


Professional Competency


Ensuring quality in auditing will only be possible with the presence of professional staff who are independent in their duties, creative and analytical thinkers, prone to teamwork and cooperation, have internalized the audit culture and ethical values, and are up-to-date and open to innovations. With this belief, it is aimed to continuously improve the knowledge and skills of staff.