TCA Celebrated Its 157th Anniversary

The Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA) is pleased to announce that, on 29 May 2019, it celebrated the 157th anniversary of its establishment with its current designation as well as the 1.179th year of establishment since its original foundation by the Turkish states.

 The TCA has a deep-rooted history dating back to the Court of Integrity (Divan-ı Ishraf), which was the audit body of the historical Turkish states, namely the Karahanids, Gaznavids and Seljuks, and to the Court of Accounts, which was established on 29 May 1862 during the Ottoman Empire. Today, the TCA is one of the most important institutions in Turkish public management. Furthermore, it is also an active supreme audit institution in the international arena particularly as the EUROSAI President.

To commemorate this occasion its 157th anniversary, the TCA organized a national program, which included a symposium to be attended by members of the judiciary, academicians and participants from public institutions. In addition, the celebrations included an art exhibition covering the creations of the TCA personnel as well as a Turkish folk music concert performed by the TCA personnel.

On the occasion of this joyful day, the TCA is happy and proud to inform all interested parties about its anniversary and celebrations for it.