ECOSAI Seminar–2018

ECOSAI Seminar–2018 was organized with the theme of “Challenges to the Existing Public-Sector Auditing Routines” in Istanbul between 3-6 September 2018 and hosted by the TCA. The Seminar started with the inauguration speech of Mr. Seyit Ahmet BAŞ, who is the President of the TCA and also the President of ECOSAI.

In the opening program, Mr. Javaid JEHANGIR, who is the Auditor General of Pakistan and also the Secretary General of ECOSAI expressed the rationale for conducting the said Seminar and then thanked Mr. BAŞ on behalf of himself and all participants for his hosting.

The Seminar was attended by the representatives of the SAIs of ECOSAI member countries of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the TRNC, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Turkey as well as academicians from various universities.