55th EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

55th EUROSAI Governing Board (GB) Meeting was held in a hybrid way on 16 November 2021 in London with the hosting of SAI UK and under the Chairmanship of EUROSAI Presidency, SAI of Czech Republic.

Participants of the meeting were; Presidents of the member SAIs of the EUROSAI Governing Board (SAIs of Czech Republic as the EUROSAI President for 2021-2024 period, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Spain (EUROSAI Secretariat), United Kingdom, Turkey), non-GB Coleaders as SAIs of Sweden and Germany, SAI of Austria (INTOSAI Secretariat), SAI Norway (Representative of the INTOSAI IDI) and SAIs of Portugal and Russian Federation as guests.

Following the opening speeches, the adoption of the agenda and the approval of the minutes of the 53rd and 54th GB meetings, the following agenda items were put on the table for further discussion, approval and agreeing on the way forward:

  • Implementation of the 2017-2024 EUROSAI Strategic Plan (ESP)
    • Portfolios’ descriptions and Operation Plans
    • Coordination Team’s (CT) activities 2021

President of the Turkish Court of Accounts Mr. Metin YENER made a presentation on the “New Initiatives and Role of SAI Turkey in the EUROSAI Governance” at the meeting in order to reveal the expected contributions of the TCA to the EUROSAI Community and its efforts for the successful implementation of the ESP 2017-2024 in its second half term.

  • EUROSAI Financial Issues
  • INTOSAI Related Issues
    • Report and consultation by EUROSAI representatives in INTOSAI Governing Board
    • Information from INTOSAI Secretariat
    • Information on cooperation with IDI

At the meeting, the operational plan was approved, therefore the roadmap of the next three-year period of the EUROSAI was set. In the last session of the meeting, issues like technical part of the XI EUROSAI Congress and host, venue, and date of the 56th GB meeting were also discussed and agreed upon.