Vision & Mission


"The TCA, which serves to the establishment of a better public administration, is constantly renewed and developed with the experience that is acquired from its deep rooted history.”
Strategic Plan (2019-2023), p.59.


"To perform audits, trials and guidance in order to contribute to accountability and fiscal transparency in the public sector."
Strategic Plan (2019-2023), p.59.

Fundemental Values  

  • Impartiality and Objectivity

The conduct of audits with a fair, impartial manner free from bias is an indispensable element of institutional reliability.

  • Independency

The independent status of the TCA is the precondition of its existence as a supreme audit and judicial institution and provision of equitable services.

  • Professional Competency

Ensuring quality in audits can only be achieved thanks to those members having creative and analytic thinking, inclined to teamwork and cooperation, having digested the audit culture, aiming to improve constantly their knowledge and skills, which they are required to have, to fulfill their liabilities.

  • Quality

For provision of high-quality services, it is of pivotal importance that the audits are planned, conducted and followed-up as per generally accepted auditing standards.

  • Openness to change

Monitoring the developments within the audit environment with an approach of constant change and materializing the changes that TCA needs are of vital importance.

  • Sensitivity to Needs and Expectations

Being sensitive to the expectations and needs of the Parliament and the public, as well as the auditees and making effort to produce solutions through mutual understanding are of great importance.

  • Professional Secrecy

It is the principle that the information obtained should not be disclosed to third persons outside the Office.

  • Regarding Personnel as the Most Valuable Asset

Creating and maintaining a proper working environment for the personnel in which they can fulfill their duties in an efficient and peaceful manner is of vital importance.

  • Participatory and Open Management

It is possible to increase motivation and performance with the participatory and open management approach.

  • Leadership and Guidance

Assuming the duty of leadership and guidance in the field of service is one of our most significant values.