Audit of Sustainable Development Goals


  • Audit of SDG Preparedness

The TCA published the thematic audit report titled "Assessing the Preparation Processes for Implementing SDGs". The audit assessed the preparatory processes for implementing SDGs, in particular; systematically reviewed the preparatory and infrastructure works carried out in our country since 2015 for implementation SDGs as well as the current situation; evaluated the effectiveness of the implementation processes; and aimed to inform all stakeholders, especially the Parliament, to take the necessary measures to ensure success in practice, and to increase the awareness of the stakeholders on the importance of SDGs

Please click here for the report.

  • Audit of SDG Implementation


The TCA launched an audit of SDG implementation in terms of renewable energy.

Turkey wants to achieve an increase in electrical energy production so it has to make the most of its renewable energy sources and increase the benefit coming from these sources. Therefore, the issue of renewable energy is very relevant for our country as well as all the countries of the world.

The issue of renewable energy is one of the most crucial pillars of SDGs, both as an independent SDG and as an SDG closely related to other SDGs.

IDI has developed a SDG Audit Model (ISAM) to audit the implementation of the SDGs. ISAM explains the basic principles for conducting the audits of implementation. The audit initiated by the TCA is based on the ISAM model and international standards.

  • SDG 11: Audit of Sustainable Cities and Communities


Today, waste management aims not only to dispose wastes, but also to benefit from materials and resources that have economic value for as long as possible. In this respect, waste management is accepted as one of the important tools of the sustainable development.

One of the SDGs defined in UN 2030 Agenda is to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. (SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities) Reducing the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management is one of the targets under this goal. In Turkey, the ratio of solid wastes collected regularly and appropriate final treatment to total solid waste is monitored as an indicator to monitor this target. Again, under SDG 11, there is a target to significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters. The TCA conducts audits under SDG 11 with its thematic audits titled Audit of Plastic Waste and Flood Risk Management.